SSPak is a database and asset bundling tool for SilverStripe.

Linux and OSX

Installation method 1: Script

Use the install script, where the final argument is the directory where the binary will be installed to.

curl -sS | php -- /usr/local/bin

If the final argument is omitted, the script will be installed into the current directory. If you don't have permission to write to the directory, "sudo" will be used to escalate permissions.

Installation method 2: Direct download

If you prefer not to use the installer, you can download the script and copy it to your executable path:

chmod +x sspak.phar
sudo mv sspak.phar /usr/local/bin/sspak


You should now be able to invoke sspak and see the help message:

SSPak: manage SilverStripe .sspak archives.

To load an sspak onto your environment (watch out, assets and db will be wiped out!):

sspak load /path/to/downloaded/file.sspak /path/to/my/local/site

To create a new sspak:

sspak save /path/to/my/local/site /path/to/resulting/file.sspak

That should do the trick, assuming your SilverStripe installation is working correctly. If it doesn't, have a look at "saveexisting" and "extract" commands instead.


Unfortunately sspak is not supported on Windows at this time. However it is possible to access and create sspak archives manually using freely available tools. You will be able to work with it by either using msysgit bash and Cygwin, or by using GUI tools such as 7-zip.

See "Manual access" below for further details.

Manual access

"sspak" format relies on tar and gzip, so it's possible to access and create archives by hand.

"sspak" structure

Accessing existing archive

In the terminal (or terminal emulator) do the following:

tar xzf your-archive.sspak
gunzip database.sql.gz
tar xzf assets.tar.gz

This will result in a "database.sql" dump and "assets" directory.

Creating a new archive

In the terminal (or terminal emulator) do the following:

tar czf assets.tar.gz assets
gzip database.sql
tar cf your-archive.sspak assets.tar.gz database.sql.gz

"your-archive.sspak" is now ready for submission.

Further information

For further information, please visit the GitHub page.